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Felthrian: Guild Application

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Felthrian: Guild Application Empty Felthrian: Guild Application

Post  Felthrian Tue Sep 04, 2012 2:47 pm

What is your name:

Character: Felthrian
IRL: Luke Butterfield

Class, race and spec:

85 Human (previously orc) BM Hunter

Prior experience in WoW?

I began playing during Vanilla - but at the later stages and I was around about level 20 when TBC came out. I played all throughout TBC and participated in every raid as both a DPS and a Healer, I also led many raids. I did not play during Wrath due to time constraints and university - but I made a return for Cataclysm. I have done none of the earlier raids in Catacylsm, but in the time I have been back I have completed DS 8/8 norm and 2/8 HC.

What do you seek?

I seek an active raiding team that has a serious feel to it but isn't full of elitist assholes - I have missed pretty much two expansions since I left at the end of TBC and although I have managed to do some end-game in Cata I am really looking toward doing serious raiding in MoP and getting back into the end-game raiding scene. This guild looks as if it could provide this for me.

Your main focus in the game? PvE, PvP, raid, RBG, arena, quest, etc?

My main focus has always been PvE, I do play a little bit of PvP but I never get into anywhere near as much I do with PvE.

Why do you apply with us?

As mentioned above, I have applied due to the general vibe I am getting from the guild in that you can help me get back into the serious side of raiding end-game, you also have a really nice name Wink

If applying as raider, are you able to attend our raid days?

I am yes.

Do you have ventrilo and a working microphone?

I do yes, I also have Teamspeak and Mumble if needed.

How do you feel about squids?

They're alright, I guess...

So what do you do IRL? - age, country, language etc...

I am a university student studying 3D modelling, Animation and Special FX, I am from the UK and I speak English. I am 19 years old (20 in a few days) and I also study a drama A level part-time as well as self-studying for my Maths and Physics A-level exams, which I plan to take in a years time once I have studied enough.

(I like qualifications. too much Wink)

What is your favorite colour?

Reddy Orange? Kinda like the colour of Fire I suppose.

Want to tell us a joke?

[i]What's the definition of trust?

Two Cannibals giving each other a blowjob.

Screenshot of my UI

Felthrian: Guild Application 399411_10151072432164162_2043613502_n

This is quite an old picture but my UI hasn't really changed since then. The actual addons I use aren't too obvious from this as I like a nice clean UI, but here is a basic non-exhaustive list:

AZCastBar - For the casting bar, which appears between my action bars and the text panel at the bottom.

AddonControlPanal - Cos when you're working with loads of addons, you need a little hand.

Align - Creates a grid so when using Bartender and kgpanels it is easier to get everything aligned.

Auctionator - for auctioning, simple as that.

Bagbrother & Bagnon - two bag addons, put all my bags into one frame and tidies it all up for me.

Bartender - allows me to hide action bars (I have hidden action bars with keybinds for things that aren't necessary to be seen) and to move everything about.

Chatter - the chat addon, which I prefer to Prat because it has one feature I like which Prat doesn't where you can create a large chat window - good for when you're just chatting.

Chinchilla - the cleaner Minimap, since taking this screenshot I have got rid of the DBM and Zygor icons from it.

Deadly Boss Mods - obviously a raid boss mod, which provides the timers etc...

Gatherer - for gathering, obviously again xD

Kgpanels - simple addon that simply gave all my action bars that little dark background, makes it look cleaner.

Masque - provides custom skins for the buttons.

Miks scrolling battle text - gives a lot more information but also removes clutter - so you don't get spammed when you do AoE

NPCscan - for finding rare NPCs - useful as hell.

Omen3 - for threat, but that is being disabled as I don't bother using it - as a hunter I know when to misdirect when the in-game threat warning tell me to.

OmniCC - Provides a cooldown timer on the actual buttons, really useful for monitoring cooldowns, although my actual nuke cooldowns, like rapid fire and call of the wild don't work with this as I have them all macro'ed to the keybind underneath my Arcane Shot.

Postal - an "open all" button on the mailbox is all I use this for xD

Power Auras - easily my favourite addon for giving me a smack round the back of the head when I fuck up my rotation, I make sure the auras I use are load, bright and obnoxious so I know i've done something wrong aha

Range-Display - when a mob is targeted it shows a little number which tells me how far away I am, useful in some situations but it fits into the UI well.

RSA - for raid callouts.

Selljunk - to instantly sell all grey items to vendors.

ShadowedUnitFrames - this is why I have no unit frames showing. It only shows my unit frame when I have something targeted or I aren't 100% health. Really useful.

Tidy Plates - makes everything look nicer.

TipTac - provides a much better, cleaner and more informative and useful tooltip.

Zygor - for in-game guides like professions, levelling etc.. with a GPS - makes the levelling less boring as I can just go auto-pilot following the GPS arrow Razz

Swatter - makes the blizzard UI error messages much better, more informative and shit - with this UI its been a babe for working out why shit has gone wrong.

Gogo mounts

...and a couple more I can't really think of atm - I have quite a few.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2012-09-04

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